Manassas Hope
For the Homeless

Demonstrating the Warmth of Christ to the Homeless of Manassas During Extreme Cold

Volunteer Sign-ups for the 2023-2024 Season

Please note that the Hypothermia Shelter will only be open on nights when the temperature is below 32°F. For other shelter information, please contact Streetlight Ministries at 703-277-7140.
Links open a new website where you can sign up.

  • Tuesday February 13 through Thursday, February 15, the Shelter will be OPEN. Please sign up to volunteer HERE.


In the winter of 2011, Christians from several area churches joined forces on a day when we learned that there was no contingency plan or location for the unsheltered homeless to go in severe weather; when the first polar vortex hit, God’s grace and a lot of hard work brought resources and people together to meet that need.

After that first event, our activities responded to extreme weather conditions when the temperatures dropped below 20 degrees fahrenheit for the rest of the winter.   Many clients we serve are especially vulnerable to dangerously cold weather.  There were no government-sponsored shelters at this end of Prince William County, so we opened ”hypothermia shelters” with volunteers from these churches.  Grace United Methodist was the location of the first shelter we opened.  Since that first time, the location moved to Manassas Baptist Church, which graciously opened part of its church for this need.  They also have showers, a washing machine, and a dryer at this site, the old Marstellar Middle School.

Supporting the Shelter

Donations will be even more needed now due to the chances people without housing will be in the weather continuously through this season. A list of needs is below; if you are thinking about donations please check with Jay Sharpe at 571-277-0728 or; he will let you know exactly what we need.


NEW: Men’s Socks and Travel-size shampoos. All donation items are relevant; although we may not be in the season, donations are collected all the time and will be distributed at the appropriate times. Gloves; warm winter clothes; thermal underwear; bug repellents; Water; Socks; Men’s and Women’s underwear; Batteries; triple A, double A, and D’s.


Volunteers are needed to help in the shelter; these are done in shifts of at least four people. All volunteers must go through a short training session.  Please check out the “Events” tab for volunteer training information.
Typical time slots are as follows:
6:30 pm – 10:00 pm
10:00 pm -6:30 pm
The shelter uses Sign Up Genius to coordinate volunteer slots. Once you are added to the volunteer group, you will be invited to volunteer via this tool. We appreciate your sacrifice and your service to help our homeless friends. Jay Sharpe coordinates shelter volunteers and activities.


Volunteers that wish to serve as part of the Food Service (usually dinner and breakfast) would include meal donations, snacks, meal preparation, serving and cleanup activities. Once meals are delivered at the shelter, the food volunteers are free to leave as directed by the food services coordinator and are not held to do shift times like shelter volunteers.
Dinners are served shortly after our guests are registered and set up for the night.  Breakfast is typically in a pre-made format that can be distributed by shelter volunteer personnel in the morning.

General Rules

Assumptions: We do not anticipate nor have we had any real altercations but one. Be prepared (Stay Aware) of what is happening around you and hope for the best.
  • All volunteers should know how many clients are in the shelter during their shift and be made aware of persons of interest.  
  • Access to the shelter is through back designated doors only.
  • No board games allowed after lights out.
  • Electronics only with headphones.
  • Men and women sleep in the main area.
  • Any issues and/or altercations are to be addressed by the team lead; however, all volunteers should be aware and ready to assist.
  • If a request is made, a volunteer should provide it to the requester. They are not to get it themselves; see the team lead with any questions.
  • It is important to understand the general signs of withdrawal. Mood swings, anxiety, loud behavior, and easily agitated.

Safety Rules

  • A coordinated entry system provides transportation/ there is a bus stop in front of the church, and sometimes the police will drop off guests. Most will walk to the shelter.
  • NO alcohol/drugs/weapons and or threats will be tolerated. If a person is suspected of consuming alcohol and/or drugs, they may be subject to search and/or asked to leave the shelter.
  • Weapons of any kind must be checked in with the team leader and returned upon leaving the shelter.
  • Respect one another, their property, and their space. No foul language or loud behavior.
  • Smoking will be done outside the main shelter entrance, where there is a container for cigarette butts. Do not go beyond the end of the building. Once in the shelter, no one will leave the shelter without being accompanied by a volunteer.
  • No visitors are allowed who are not spending the night.
  • If you leave the premises, you will not be allowed to return that same night.
  • Respect the shelter. This is a service to you and for you; all volunteers are here to help you BE NICE!!!!
  • Do not argue with the volunteers; respect them. They are here to help you.

Breaking the rules may result in asking you to leave the shelter or having the police remove you.

A sign for the shelter will be placed outside the front door of the building to guide people from the back of the building to the shelter entrance. Clients are not allowed beyond the steel hallway gate. Leaving or wandering outside designated areas can result in expulsion from the shelter.

Volunteer Roles

Team lead
  • General all hands meeting to start. Prayer before dinner is served.
  • Will delegate position assignments.
  • Any questions will be fielded by the shift leader.
  • Will document any issues, altercations, disturbances in the log and or notify or by phone if necessary Jay sharp 571-277-0728.
  • Shift leader will be point person to handle any issues, altercations, disturbances and determine if the police need to be called.
  • Will determine early release of volunteers as dictated by need.
  • If a person is found unconscious call 911.
One or two Greeters
  • Two will be assigned to the door for bag and container inspection, one will Greet and log clients in as they enter, taking notice of general condition of the clients do they smell of marijuana, alcohol are they staggering or swaying.
Shower Man & woman
  • All clients wishing to use the shower facility need to clean up after each use. A volunteer will make sure all items are pick up and the shower is ready for the next guest to use
  • Preparing coffee & drink section.
  • Dinner should be delivered hot around 6:30 p.m., food for breakfast will either be delivered around 5:00a.m.
  • Check if micro wave is clean, prepare designated area for distribution.
  • Check trash receptacles, have clean up items ready.
General setup monitors
  • Make sure all designated areas are unlocked.
  • Monitor and/ or help in cot set up and take down.
  • Ready TV and DVD player.
  • See that shower towels and cleaning products are prepared.
Shelter observation
All volunteers are asked throughout their shift please be on the lookout for trash, for smell of marijuana, alcohol or weapons of any kind. Possible tension between individuals, if you notice any of these signs please bring it to the attention of the lead. Any issues, altercations, disturbances need to be reported to team lead.