Touching Hearts and Minds for Tomorrow
Our program is based on the developmentally appropriate practice position of the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC). It encompasses learning and engagement that are important to children’s school readiness. Self-regulation, literacy, mathematics, and social-emotional and language development are areas included that reflect early childhood experts' latest research and recommendations.
MBP incorporates Biblically integrated themes about God’s world and how we live in it. Activities that embrace physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual development are included under each theme topic. The themes are designed to help lay a foundation for understanding God, Jesus, the Bible, the Church, self, others, and the natural world. Teachers create lesson plans for individual, small-group, and large-group activities. Lessons and activities incorporate and develop fine and gross motor skills.
MBP incorporates Biblically integrated themes about God’s world and how we live in it. Activities that embrace physical, mental, social, emotional, and spiritual development are included under each theme topic. The themes are designed to help lay a foundation for understanding God, Jesus, the Bible, the Church, self, others, and the natural world. Teachers create lesson plans for individual, small-group, and large-group activities. Lessons and activities incorporate and develop fine and gross motor skills.
Classroom Structure
Our program for 2-year-old students provides a first separation and socialization experience for the children. The curriculum emphasizes play with developmentally appropriate toys and activities. It also includes a first introduction to letters, numbers, colors, shapes, and the world around us.
Our program for 3-year-old students develops visual and auditory discrimination as a foundation for more structured learning situations. We encourage self-expression in music, art, and speech development. Our program aims to teach children to respect the rights of others, share, and accept the responsibilities of one’s own behavior. In addition, each child is introduced to the phonetic sound of letters and encouraged to recognize them visually.
Our program for 4-year-old students continues developmentally appropriate practices in preparation for kindergarten. Social skills are an important focus. Your child will work on talking through big feelings and resolving conflicts with words. Shapes, numbers, letters, and phonics are taught in a fun and exciting way. The class structure allows for the development of the whole child. Expressive writing and drawing on lined and unlined paper are encouraged to help children develop the proper writing techniques.
Our program for 3-year-old students develops visual and auditory discrimination as a foundation for more structured learning situations. We encourage self-expression in music, art, and speech development. Our program aims to teach children to respect the rights of others, share, and accept the responsibilities of one’s own behavior. In addition, each child is introduced to the phonetic sound of letters and encouraged to recognize them visually.
Our program for 4-year-old students continues developmentally appropriate practices in preparation for kindergarten. Social skills are an important focus. Your child will work on talking through big feelings and resolving conflicts with words. Shapes, numbers, letters, and phonics are taught in a fun and exciting way. The class structure allows for the development of the whole child. Expressive writing and drawing on lined and unlined paper are encouraged to help children develop the proper writing techniques.
Specialties of Manassas Baptist Preschool
- Developmentally appropriate curriculum approved by VDOE with the incorporation of Biblical-integrated concepts
- Classes have a small teacher-to-student ratio, so each child receives personalized attention.
- Secured facility with large, well-equipped classrooms
- Professional Staff: One teacher and an assistant teacher for each class, in addition to aides and an administrator present in the building during school hours
- Teachers who not only love what they do but love the children and their families
- Regularly scheduled chapel for our students
- Large and secured playground
- Large indoor play facilities for inclement weather
- Christmas and Spring Christian Programs
What Makes Our Preschool Different?
Manassas Baptist Preschool (MBP) is a ministry of Manassas Baptist Church. Our preschool regularly worships in our chapel, where the children meet different members of our ministry team who share songs and Bible stories. Occasionally, church members involved in international mission trips or serving as missionaries share their experiences with our children.
We believe God loves people from all countries and ethnic backgrounds. On any Sunday, our church services have many diverse groups worshiping together as the body of Christ. Our preschoolers can meet various church members born in another country and learn about that country’s cultural heritage. These guest speakers share flags, musical instruments, and photos. They talk with the children about the Christian church in their country. They teach either a song or a game from their country, also. As a follow-up to these enrichment experiences, teachers show the country’s location on the map and discuss its weather, language, and other exciting details. Depending upon the age of the children, this information may be charted on a poster for the class and community to see.
Health Focused
MBP follows CDC guidelines and all Virginia Department of Health health regulations. MBP is a nut-free campus. A healthy (nut-free) snack is provided daily; monthly menus are posted online. Students are expected to bring their healthy lunch if staying for extended hours after noon preschool dismissal. Throughout the day, students will be provided multiple opportunities to consume water instead of sweet drinks. We help our preschoolers prepare for kindergarten with routines and the practice of healthy behaviors.
Love for Learning
Since 1972, Manassas Baptist preschoolers have successfully transitioned to schools all over our area. MBP classes have a small teacher-to-pupil ratio, so each child receives personalized attention. We also provide additional resources to families and continuous training for our teachers so they are updated on state requirements and evidence-based early childhood best practices. MBP has an excellent reputation for making children’s first school experience positive.
Manassas Baptist Preschool (MBP) is a ministry of Manassas Baptist Church. Our preschool regularly worships in our chapel, where the children meet different members of our ministry team who share songs and Bible stories. Occasionally, church members involved in international mission trips or serving as missionaries share their experiences with our children.
Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
We believe God loves people from all countries and ethnic backgrounds. On any Sunday, our church services have many diverse groups worshiping together as the body of Christ. Our preschoolers can meet various church members born in another country and learn about that country’s cultural heritage. These guest speakers share flags, musical instruments, and photos. They talk with the children about the Christian church in their country. They teach either a song or a game from their country, also. As a follow-up to these enrichment experiences, teachers show the country’s location on the map and discuss its weather, language, and other exciting details. Depending upon the age of the children, this information may be charted on a poster for the class and community to see.
There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither enslaved person nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.
Galatians 3:24
Health Focused
MBP follows CDC guidelines and all Virginia Department of Health health regulations. MBP is a nut-free campus. A healthy (nut-free) snack is provided daily; monthly menus are posted online. Students are expected to bring their healthy lunch if staying for extended hours after noon preschool dismissal. Throughout the day, students will be provided multiple opportunities to consume water instead of sweet drinks. We help our preschoolers prepare for kindergarten with routines and the practice of healthy behaviors.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God?
I Corinthians 6: 19
I Corinthians 6: 19
Love for Learning
Since 1972, Manassas Baptist preschoolers have successfully transitioned to schools all over our area. MBP classes have a small teacher-to-pupil ratio, so each child receives personalized attention. We also provide additional resources to families and continuous training for our teachers so they are updated on state requirements and evidence-based early childhood best practices. MBP has an excellent reputation for making children’s first school experience positive.
We are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God preparedus to do.
Ephesians 2:10
Manassas Baptist Preschool
8730 Sudley Rd.
Manassas, VA 20110
703-361-2146 ext. 800
Email Us At:
Current Preschool Office Hours:
8730 Sudley Rd.
Manassas, VA 20110
703-361-2146 ext. 800
Mrs. Vernetta Brown (Preschool Director)
Ms. Karina Chan (Preschool Administrative Director)
Email Us At:
Current Preschool Office Hours:
Monday-Friday 10 am- 3 pm

Mrs. Vernetta Brown
Manassas Baptist Preschool Director
Learn More
Vernetta Brown, the Director of Manassas Baptist Preschool, is excited to introduce a Christ- based early childhood program to our young children of Manassas, Virginia. The majority of her vocational experience has been in leadership positions establishing and overseeing 18 licensed child care centers, all at the same time, in Southeast Queens, New York, licensed for over 700 children. This experience prompted her to have over 120 employees at any one time. As being a mother of six and a grandmother of two her life's work has not only been in early childhood education but also in the ministry of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Vernetta serves as a pastor and a founder of an online prayer ministry. Overall, Vernetta believes that an individual must be introduced to Biblical foundational truths as children, and what better way but to have them incorporated in a daily early childhood curriculum. Her mantra is that little ones must learn to love God, love themselves, love each other; and then love to learn!!! Learning new concepts is exciting, thrilling and motivating, however, only when presented in an engaging, intriguing manner. This is the atmosphere that will be provided , undergirded with a foundation of love, patience and prayerful guidance at Manassas Baptist Preschool. Vernetta says " Come, trust your child in our care! We will treat your child like our own.!! They will quickly learn the academic basics which will launch them into a lifetime of excellence, a sound sense of self-worth and noteworthy accomplishments!! God bless you and we hope to see you soon!! I pray that our school is an answer to your prayers!!"

Karina Chan
Manassas Baptist Preschool Assistant
Learn More
Karina and her husband, Wayne, along with their 2 sons, Kurtis and Kody, have been attending Manassas Baptist Church since 2013. She has been a teacher for the Middle School Girls small group since then. In January of 2022, she started teaching the kindergarteners/first graders on Sundays. At her previous church, she was a Sunday school teacher to Elementary grade children for 9 years. Karina also had homeschooled her children from kindergarten to high school. Every summer, the Chan family leads two teams from MBC on mission trips to New York to share the gospel with Chinese children in the Brooklyn area.
Preschool Brochure2023-03 by Karina Chan
Questions? Contact Us!
Email: preschool@mbcnova.org
Call: 703-361-2146 x800
Call: 703-361-2146 x800